06.03 Kühlspot Asiatische Improvisationen

The Musicians
Lázara Rosell Albear
is a Cuban/Belgian artist, graduate of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, KASK Ghent, Belgium and co-founder of the MahaWorks organization. Her practice blends a multiplicity of means of expression, combining sound research, performance, film, drawing and installation. Transgression, presence, resonance, vibrations, new worlds, poetry: these are keywords on her unifying practice. Member of PlaygroundBerliM. She has received a Bunkacho Fellowship 2002 (Japanese Ministry of Culture), Danish International Visiting Artist 2011 and a residency at the Wiels Center for Contemporary Art 2016. Channeling experimental drums and percussion, pocket trumpet, shô, electronics and kinds of utterances. www.mahaworks.org
Vincent Laju
Shakuhachi player, Cellist, improviser & composer, he studied and graduated in France. He has performed in National Centers for Music Creation like GMEM, for festivals and concerts in Europe, Asia, Middle east and US. Based in Berlin, he collaborates with composers and artists from all discipline, he can be heard from solo to large ensembles such as “Berlin Improvisers Orchestra” and “Grand 8” (Marseille). Poetry and drawing: His graphics work series « Zeilen » is performed with Elo Masing (violin) and exhibited in France and in Germany, he play with the poet Mathias Traxler.
Shiomi Kawaguchi
since she was a child growing up in Tokyo, she started learning Shamisen (a Japanese three-stringed instrument) and Min-yo (Japanese folk songs). In 2017, after years of traveling silk-road with the Shamisen and Feld work of Folk music and local ceremony , she moved her base to Berlin. Performing traditional, psychedelic, experimental, and jazz in many festivals in Europe. December 2024 she played at Nobel peace prize as Shamisen trio – Mitsune She is a member of ‘Mitsune’ http://de.mitsune.de/ , the psychedelic folk band “Jaguar no me” http://www.jaguarnome.com/ , and jazz band ‘The Japs’ https://aandjaps.wixsite.com/sitetop
Wolfgang Schwabe
Learnt to play qin with the Qin master Ge Hancong (葛瀚聰) in Taiwan. After random performances with LTK, a Taiwanese punk band in the late nineties, he has been regularly performing in Taipei and Berlin playing Echtzeit Musik. In 2018 the CD “180818” with Lin Hui-Chun was released (https://huichunlin.bandcamp.com/album/180818). He is the co-founder of the “International Conference on Guqin, Aesthetics and Humanism” and has published numerous articles on Qin aesthetics.
08.03 Teekunst und Sheng-Musik

—Sonderveranstaltung zum Weltfrauentag—-
Zum Weltfrauentag haben wir zwei fantastische Musikerinnen zu Gast.
Li Lichin aus Taiwan spielt die chinesische Mundorgel Sheng seit ihrem achten Lebensjahr. In den letzten Jahren hat sie sich zu einer der führenden Kulturbotschafterinnen Taiwans entwickelt. Derzeit tourt sie in Europa. Nach Konzerten in Lubljana und Paris gastiert sie nun bei uns.
Lazara Rosell Albear ist eine kubanische-belgische Künstlerin mit vielen Talenten. Sie ist Tänzerin, Schlagzeugerin und Multimediakünstlerin. Während einer Künstlerresidenz in Japan erlernte sie die japanische Mundorgel Sho im höfischen Stil (gagaku).
Im Berliner Salon für chinesische Kultur werden die beiden erstmals gemeinsam auftreten. Als dritte im Bunde wird Lilia Keller auf der chinesischen Zither Guqin die beiden begleiten. Das genaue Programm werden die drei Musikerinnen ad hoc am 08.03 entscheiden. Wir dürfen gespannt sein auf eine Weltpremiere von Sheng und Sho, solo-improvisierend oder im Zwiegespräch.
_____________Die Tees_____________
Die Tees werden auf traditionellen Gongfu Cha Weise zubereitet. Diesmal ist ein Oolongtee aus der Fushou Region des Lishan dabei. Dieser Tee wird auf einer Höhe von 2200 Metern angebaut und ist außerhalb Taiwans nur selten erhältlich. Auch der 40 Jahre gelagerte Baozhong Tee aus Pinglin ist eine Rarität.
1. Tee: Lishan Oolong Fushou Region, Frühling 2024 梨山福壽烏龍茶
2. Tee: Lishan Schwarzer Oolong, Frühling 2024 梨山紅烏龍茶
3. Tee: 40 Jahre gelagerter Pingling Baozhong 坪林包種老茶
Kosten: 20-25€ nach eigenem Ermessen
Ort: Feilnerstr. 10, 10969 Berlin, 1OG
_____________Zu den Personen_____________
Lázara Rosell Albear is a Cuban/ Belgian artist, graduate of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, KASK Ghent, Belgium and co-founder of the MahaWorks organization. Her practice blends a multiplicity of means of expression, combining sound research, performance, film, drawing and installation. Transgression, presence, resonance, vibrations, new worlds, poetry: these are keywords on her unifying practice. She has worked with Alain Platel (les ballets C de la B.), Isnelle da Silveira, Brett Bailey, Jan Dekeyser, Xavier Lukomsky, Jörgen Teller, Sammy Baloji, Doris Bloom, Valerie Oka, Oren Lazovsky, Aerea Negrot, Pitched Klunchun & Chen Wu-kang’s Behalve, Fallon Mayanja, Terrie Ex and Heidi Kvelvane, The Post Collective, Ignaz Schick, Laura Leiner, Paed Conça, Marina Cyrino and Matthias Koole and Laura Robles ao. In her own projects such as Dark Speeches, Invisible Cities, the art ensemble de Brussels, Small Metal Gods and other collaborations in parallel with her personal and pluridisciplinary process-based research. Member of PlaygroundBerliM. She has received a Bunkacho Fellowship 2002 (Japanese Ministry of Culture), Danish International Visiting Artist 2011 and a residency at the Wiels Center for Contemporary Art 2016. Channeling experimental drums and percussion, pocket trumpet, shô, electronics and kinds of utterances.
Lichin Li 李俐錦 is a Sheng soloist, composer, and performer. She has been working between Taiwan and Europe in recent years. Majored in Chinese Music at the Tainan National University of the Arts, Li-Chin received solid training in traditional music education. After graduation, she worked for the most selective and prestige Orchestra, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra as a Sheng performer. Li-chin soon figured a nine-to-five job doesn’t’ suit her for making her own music and performing. Li-chin is known for her ability to apply Sheng to various art forms and music genres. Through her work, she is committed to exploring musicians’ subjectivity and diversity of roles in the performing arts. Recently, she strives to express her musical creativity beyond auditory stimuli. In her performance, she wants the audience to enter a world to experience the unknown. She regularly explores her instrument with young composers of contemporary music in France, the United States, Taiwan, etc. And plays with European ensembles and orchestras: Cairn in Paris, LINEA in Strasbourg, Lapland Chamber Orchestra in Finland, National Chinese Orchestra in Taiwan etc. She has been selected for dozens of artistic residencies in her experimental field, including Royaumont, Ircam, Cité des Arts – Paris, Centre National de la Danse in Pantin, La Symphonie De Ségries, Asian Cultural Council in New York, Avaloch, Farm Music Institute in the U.S. etc. Li-Chin is taking part in the research and creation project “sheng! l’orgue à bouche” (2019-2026) organised by the TPMC and supported by the DRAC Ile-de-France, IReMus (CNRS – Sorbonne Université – Ministère de la Culture – BnF), MMC etc.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@lichinli1111
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilichin1111
Website: https://lichinli.art/
Wolfgang Schwabe erlangte während seiner 25 Jahre auf Taiwan eine große Vertrautheit mit taiwanesischem Tee. Die ausgewählten Teesorten stammen von Teebauern, mit denen er zum Teil eine Jahrzehnte alte Bekanntschaft pflegt. Die chinesische Zither Guqin spielt er seit dreißig Jahren als Teil seiner Beschäftigung mit der traditionellen Philosophie Chinas. Er ist Mitbegründer der Konferenz für Guqin, Musikästhetik und Humanismus und hat unter seinem chinesischen Namen 施維禮 zahlreiche Aufsätze zur Guqinästhetik veröffentlicht. Von 2006 bis 2019 unterrichtete er chinesische Philosophie an der Tamkang Universität und der Foguang Universität in Taiwan.
Lilia Keller kam erstmals bei Ihrer ersten China Reise 2007 mit der Gu Qin Musik in einem Tempel in Wuhan in Berührung. Das Qin spielen lernte sie stets verbunden mit der chinesischen Teekunst. Sie spielt am liebsten bei Teezeremonien, für Tai Chi- und Yoga Übende.