Wolfgang Schwabe

Impro-Konzert mit Butohtanz


Set 1: Butoh Dance & Music
Yuko Kaseki: Butoh Dance
Tatjana Bielke: Singing Saw
Shiomi Kawaguchi: Shamisen
Fumio Okura: Violin
Wolfgang Schwabe: Qin

Kühlspot Social Club, Lehderstraße 74-79, 13086 Berlin

Yuko Kaseki is a director, choreographer, teacher and Butoh dancer who has lived in Berlin long and short enough. She has been searching for a way to penetrate the space between physical and spiritual expression. Collaborations have been taking place in numerous international projects with performers and musicians such as Antonis Anissegos, Kriton Beyer, Audrey Chen, Contagious, Kirikoo Des, Axel Dörner, Echo Ho, Emilio Gordoa…


Wolfgang Schwabe learnt to play qin with qin master Ge Hancong (葛瀚聰) in Taiwan. After random performances with LTK, a Taiwanese punk band, in the late nineties, he has been regularly performing in Taipei and Berlin playing Echtzeit Musik. In 2018 the CD “180818” with Lin Hui-Chun was released (https://huichunlin.bandcamp.com/album/180818). He is the co-founder of the “International Conference on Guqin, Aesthetics and Humanism” and has published numerous articles on Guqin aesthetics.

Shiomi Kawaguchi since she was a child growing up in Tokyo, she started learning Shamisen (a Japanese three-stringed instrument) and minyo (Japanese folk songs). In 2017, after years of traveling silk-load with Shamisen, she moved her base to Berlin and worked with many types of musicians/artists.
She is a member of the all-female ‘shamisen trio Mitsune’ http://de.mitsune.de/ psychedelic folk band “Jaguar no me” http://www.jaguarnome.com/
and jazz band ‘The Japs’ https://aandjaps.wixsite.com/sitetop

Tatjana Bielke is active as a singer and musical saw player in various ensembles and projects. She has devoted herself mainly to improvised music and is based in Berlin.

Fumio Okura studied Violin, Conducting and Musicology in Tokyo. Studied Conducting further with Prof. Peter Eötvös and also with GMD Staatsoper Berlin as a Guest-Student.
Studied also as a Doctoral Student at Freie Universität (FU)-Berlin.
He is also active as a Narrator, Synchron-Speaker (Voice-Actor).
In 2023 he released the CD ” Your Dramatic Joy” as a Violinist.
Fumio Okura organizes the Experimental Music Group “Hot Cat”- Berlin.